Wildcat Mountain Vineyard


The South Eastern border of Sonoma County abuts the salty flats and marshes of the San Pablo Bay, and in that stretch is another micro climate perfectly suited for growing Pinot Noir. Wildcat Mountain is the highest point in this region and it’s there that Steve Macrostie, long time vintner and maker of Pinot Noir, planted this unique vineyard. The site is rocky with volcanic soils, and the wind blows constantly. These are two dynamics that contribute to tannin production in wine grapes and you’ll understand why we mention this when you taste the wine. Our Wildcat Mountain Pinot has a richness, but not a fruit richness -it’s the powerful and smooth tannins produced by a long growing season in the winds on the mountain top. The vines bend and leaves curl in the breezes, and generate intense, small fruit. We source our small production from two different blocks and four clones – Pommard, 777, 667 and 115.