Nature Puling In

Nature Puling In

Our second half of 2024 show, “Nature Pulling In” was a huge success.  Such a positive response to this group show featuring:  Cristina Hobbs, Alice Sutro, Susan Maddux, Meagan Donegan, Sebastian Pochan, Naomi Mcleod, Ali Kendall-Swearingen and Barbara...
Drink and Draw

Drink and Draw

Dear local friends of Bannister Wines, we’re starting a monthly drink and draw this coming Monday, March 11th. This session will be still life (there will be revolving themes in coming months).   Arrive anytime between 5:30 and 6.  Draw until 7:30.  Admission is $25...
Jessica Martin

Jessica Martin

Please join us Saturday, Febrary 3rd for the opening of our new show – paintings by Jessica Martin.  Jessica’s large scale works look amazing on the walls of the tasting room!  We’ll be celebrating from 4 – 7 pm with hor de ouvres and glass specials....
Holiday gift and Sagrantino release

Holiday gift and Sagrantino release

Among the handful of Christmas miracles that have happened in recent history is our small production Sagrantino.  We gathered under the mistletoe in the tasting room on Saturday the 10th to release this beauty.  Diavola restaurant served arancini and wild mushroom...
Tractor Parade

Tractor Parade

Saturday night was a blast in Geyserville.  There were over five thousand people along the avenue for the parade.   We had all of the wines open and poured glasses through the evening while guests got dim sum from our guest chef, Michelle Woods.  Pork buns and Ribolla...